Schedule and Tournament History

Score: 283
High School Boys Rank: 293 out of 2513
12th Grade Boys Rank: 68 out of 472
Overall Boys Rank : 391 out of 7574
Score: 290
High School Boys Rank: 3 out of 187
12th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 49
Overall Boys Rank : 4 out of 481
Score: 278
High School Boys Rank: 25 out of 111
12th Grade Boys Rank: 9 out of 29
Overall Boys Rank : 30 out of 201
Score: 289
High School Boys Rank: 2 out of 117
12th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 34
Overall Boys Rank : 2 out of 210
Score: 286
High School Boys Rank: 10 out of 103
12th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 31
Overall Boys Rank : 11 out of 190
Score: 287
High School Boys Rank: 4 out of 108
12th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 29
Overall Boys Rank : 4 out of 201
Score: 287
High School Boys Rank: 2 out of 109
12th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 28
Overall Boys Rank : 2 out of 205
Score: 286
High School Boys Rank: 4 out of 104
12th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 29
Overall Boys Rank : 4 out of 187
Score: 294
High School Boys Rank: 2 out of 109
12th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 32
Overall Boys Rank : 2 out of 216
Score: 272
High School Boys Rank: 58 out of 202
11th Grade Boys Rank: 21 out of 49
Overall Boys Rank : 69 out of 443
Score: 264
High School Boys Rank: 49 out of 106
11th Grade Boys Rank: 19 out of 31
Overall Boys Rank : 66 out of 205
Score: 258
High School Boys Rank: 60 out of 107
11th Grade Boys Rank: 22 out of 35
Overall Boys Rank : 72 out of 184
Score: 266
High School Boys Rank: 48 out of 113
11th Grade Boys Rank: 17 out of 32
Overall Boys Rank : 56 out of 203
Score: 280
High School Boys Rank: 10 out of 98
11th Grade Boys Rank: 5 out of 27
Overall Boys Rank : 10 out of 179
Score: 269
High School Boys Rank: 16 out of 55
11th Grade Boys Rank: 10 out of 18
Overall Boys Rank : 19 out of 143
Score: 286
High School Boys Rank: 4 out of 120
11th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 35
Overall Boys Rank : 4 out of 218
Score: 285
High School Boys Rank: 4 out of 112
11th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 33
Overall Boys Rank : 4 out of 196
Score: 276
High School Boys Rank: 13 out of 87
11th Grade Boys Rank: 9 out of 28
Overall Boys Rank : 14 out of 172
Score: 287
High School Boys Rank: 7 out of 209
10th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 59
Overall Boys Rank : 8 out of 451
Score: 274
High School Boys Rank: 23 out of 103
10th Grade Boys Rank: 6 out of 32
Overall Boys Rank : 29 out of 200
Score: 279
High School Boys Rank: 12 out of 98
10th Grade Boys Rank: 4 out of 34
Overall Boys Rank : 13 out of 182
Score: 268
High School Boys Rank: 29 out of 103
10th Grade Boys Rank: 11 out of 37
Overall Boys Rank : 38 out of 185
Score: 283
High School Boys Rank: 3 out of 100
10th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 29
Overall Boys Rank : 3 out of 174
Score: 287
High School Boys Rank: 2 out of 73
10th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 30
Overall Boys Rank : 2 out of 153
Score: 282
Middle School Boys Rank: 5 out of 103
8th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 44
Overall Boys Rank : 14 out of 201
Score: 283
Middle School Boys Rank: 3 out of 100
8th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 51
Overall Boys Rank : 7 out of 183
Score: 287
Middle School Boys Rank: 2 out of 112
8th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 46
Overall Boys Rank : 2 out of 197
Score: 278
Middle School Boys Rank: 4 out of 44
8th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 15
Overall Boys Rank : 8 out of 110
Score: 288
Middle School Boys Rank: 1 out of 78
8th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 32
Overall Boys Rank : 2 out of 168
Score: 281
Middle School Boys Rank: 2 out of 93
8th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 43
Overall Boys Rank : 2 out of 94
Score: 283
Middle School Boys Rank: 2 out of 88
8th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 45
Overall Boys Rank : 5 out of 184
Score: 280
Middle School Boys Rank: 10 out of 177
7th Grade Boys Rank: 4 out of 52
Overall Boys Rank : 35 out of 461
Score: 275
Middle School Boys Rank: 6 out of 83
7th Grade Boys Rank: 4 out of 34
Overall Boys Rank : 24 out of 176
Score: 274
Middle School Boys Rank: 6 out of 35
7th Grade Boys Rank: 4 out of 14
Overall Boys Rank : 15 out of 72
Score: 281
Middle School Boys Rank: 1 out of 109
7th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 42
Overall Boys Rank : 9 out of 213
Score: 271
Middle School Boys Rank: 9 out of 102
7th Grade Boys Rank: 4 out of 37
Overall Boys Rank : 34 out of 201
Score: 267
Middle School Boys Rank: 16 out of 93
7th Grade Boys Rank: 7 out of 38
Overall Boys Rank : 16 out of 98
Score: 266
Middle School Boys Rank: 14 out of 92
7th Grade Boys Rank: 4 out of 35
Overall Boys Rank : 47 out of 171
Score: 277
Middle School Boys Rank: 88 out of 920
6th Grade Boys Rank: 20 out of 268
Overall Boys Rank : 265 out of 2324
Score: 276
Middle School Boys Rank: 379 out of 2916
6th Grade Boys Rank: 72 out of 849
Overall Boys Rank : 1178 out of 7450
Score: 265
Middle School Boys Rank: 41 out of 171
6th Grade Boys Rank: 10 out of 38
Overall Boys Rank : 127 out of 409
Score: 239
Middle School Boys Rank: 66 out of 108
6th Grade Boys Rank: 14 out of 27
Overall Boys Rank : 129 out of 192
Score: 263
Middle School Boys Rank: 12 out of 92
6th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 28
Overall Boys Rank : 50 out of 177
Score: 278
Middle School Boys Rank: 3 out of 100
6th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 24
Overall Boys Rank : 3 out of 100
Score: 272
Middle School Boys Rank: 5 out of 99
6th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 30
Overall Boys Rank : 5 out of 100
Score: 247
Elementary Boys Rank: 17 out of 73
5th Grade Boys Rank: 13 out of 48
Overall Boys Rank : 250 out of 453
Score: 254
Elementary Boys Rank: 1 out of 5
5th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 5
Overall Boys Rank : 14 out of 80
Score: 205
Elementary Boys Rank: 5 out of 14
5th Grade Boys Rank: 5 out of 14
Overall Boys Rank : 71 out of 93