Schedule and Tournament History

Score: 230
Elementary Boys Rank: 286 out of 439
5th Grade Boys Rank: 204 out of 279
Overall Boys Rank : 1192 out of 1431
Score: 208
Elementary Boys Rank: 189 out of 242
5th Grade Boys Rank: 136 out of 163
Overall Boys Rank : 831 out of 927
Score: 244
Elementary Boys Rank: 634 out of 2120
5th Grade Boys Rank: 493 out of 1276
Overall Boys Rank : 4726 out of 7574
Score: 200
Elementary Boys Rank: 600 out of 844
5th Grade Boys Rank: 423 out of 537
Overall Boys Rank : 2970 out of 3353
Score: 252
Elementary Boys Rank: 1 out of 14
5th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 7
Overall Boys Rank : 14 out of 46
Score: 238
Elementary Boys Rank: 14 out of 31
5th Grade Boys Rank: 9 out of 16
Overall Boys Rank : 65 out of 88
Score: 239
Elementary Boys Rank: 19 out of 56
5th Grade Boys Rank: 13 out of 27
Overall Boys Rank : 78 out of 125
Score: 240
Elementary Boys Rank: 63 out of 370
5th Grade Boys Rank: 50 out of 219
Overall Boys Rank : 632 out of 1361
Score: 237
Elementary Boys Rank: 354 out of 1212
5th Grade Boys Rank: 271 out of 701
Overall Boys Rank : 2837 out of 4437
Score: 231
Elementary Boys Rank: 37 out of 106
5th Grade Boys Rank: 23 out of 50
Overall Boys Rank : 148 out of 239
Score: 243
Elementary Boys Rank: 30 out of 107
5th Grade Boys Rank: 22 out of 56
Overall Boys Rank : 145 out of 288
Score: 248
Elementary Boys Rank: 8 out of 68
5th Grade Boys Rank: 7 out of 37
Overall Boys Rank : 76 out of 198
Score: 253
Elementary Boys Rank: 4 out of 64
5th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 34
Overall Boys Rank : 77 out of 206
Score: 231
Elementary Boys Rank: 4 out of 25
5th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 11
Overall Boys Rank : 55 out of 90
Score: 267
Elementary Boys Rank: 1 out of 45
5th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 24
Overall Boys Rank : 17 out of 110
Score: 249
Elementary Boys Rank: 7 out of 50
5th Grade Boys Rank: 6 out of 21
Overall Boys Rank : 68 out of 165
Score: 249
Elementary Boys Rank: 4 out of 59
5th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 32
Overall Boys Rank : 77 out of 204
Score: 209
Elementary Boys Rank: 10 out of 31
5th Grade Boys Rank: 7 out of 15
Overall Boys Rank : 87 out of 132
Score: 257
Elementary Boys Rank: 1 out of 61
5th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 29
Overall Boys Rank : 94 out of 378
Score: 243
Elementary Boys Rank: 5 out of 36
5th Grade Boys Rank: 4 out of 24
Overall Boys Rank : 55 out of 143
Score: 234
Elementary Boys Rank: 11 out of 52
5th Grade Boys Rank: 10 out of 31
Overall Boys Rank : 88 out of 184
Score: 218
Elementary Boys Rank: 23 out of 72
5th Grade Boys Rank: 19 out of 41
Overall Boys Rank : 118 out of 194
Score: 258
Elementary Boys Rank: 4 out of 28
5th Grade Boys Rank: 4 out of 13
Overall Boys Rank : 32 out of 89
Score: 239
Elementary Boys Rank: 14 out of 46
5th Grade Boys Rank: 13 out of 24
Overall Boys Rank : 64 out of 112
Score: 230
Elementary Boys Rank: 16 out of 48
5th Grade Boys Rank: 15 out of 26
Overall Boys Rank : 74 out of 123
Score: 213
Elementary Boys Rank: 318 out of 428
4th Grade Boys Rank: 96 out of 149
Overall Boys Rank : 1076 out of 1215
Score: 175
Elementary Boys Rank: 213 out of 238
4th Grade Boys Rank: 74 out of 88
Overall Boys Rank : 722 out of 757
Score: 212
Elementary Boys Rank: 1461 out of 2110
4th Grade Boys Rank: 477 out of 792
Overall Boys Rank : 6494 out of 7387
Score: 182
Elementary Boys Rank: 768 out of 936
4th Grade Boys Rank: 264 out of 350
Overall Boys Rank : 3161 out of 3401
Score: 238
Elementary Boys Rank: 20 out of 55
4th Grade Boys Rank: 8 out of 20
Overall Boys Rank : 93 out of 152
Score: 228
Elementary Boys Rank: 31 out of 52
4th Grade Boys Rank: 11 out of 21
Overall Boys Rank : 112 out of 150
Score: 204
Elementary Boys Rank: 35 out of 50
4th Grade Boys Rank: 14 out of 20
Overall Boys Rank : 115 out of 139
Score: 183
Elementary Boys Rank: 171 out of 278
4th Grade Boys Rank: 69 out of 133
Overall Boys Rank : 1017 out of 1207
Score: 221
Elementary Boys Rank: 506 out of 1114
4th Grade Boys Rank: 181 out of 486
Overall Boys Rank : 3219 out of 4226
Score: 230
Elementary Boys Rank: 17 out of 50
4th Grade Boys Rank: 5 out of 19
Overall Boys Rank : 101 out of 172
Score: 157
Elementary Boys Rank: 16 out of 19
4th Grade Boys Rank: 4 out of 7
Overall Boys Rank : 114 out of 121
Score: 191
Elementary Boys Rank: 50 out of 70
4th Grade Boys Rank: 26 out of 38
Overall Boys Rank : 186 out of 211
Score: 219
Elementary Boys Rank: 24 out of 51
4th Grade Boys Rank: 15 out of 27
Overall Boys Rank : 128 out of 189
Score: 189
Elementary Boys Rank: 49 out of 78
4th Grade Boys Rank: 16 out of 32
Overall Boys Rank : 155 out of 196
Score: 133
Elementary Boys Rank: 38 out of 44
4th Grade Boys Rank: 15 out of 20
Overall Boys Rank : 116 out of 122
Score: 199
Elementary Boys Rank: 34 out of 57
4th Grade Boys Rank: 14 out of 31
Overall Boys Rank : 176 out of 218
Score: 229
Elementary Boys Rank: 17 out of 85
4th Grade Boys Rank: 7 out of 42
Overall Boys Rank : 113 out of 230
Score: 217
Elementary Boys Rank: 27 out of 83
4th Grade Boys Rank: 7 out of 39
Overall Boys Rank : 148 out of 233
Score: 149
Elementary Boys Rank: 20 out of 23
4th Grade Boys Rank: 6 out of 8
Overall Boys Rank : 99 out of 105
Score: 164
Elementary Boys Rank: 53 out of 81
4th Grade Boys Rank: 19 out of 36
Overall Boys Rank : 167 out of 200
Score: 177
Elementary Boys Rank: 23 out of 61
4th Grade Boys Rank: 5 out of 27
Overall Boys Rank : 133 out of 183
Score: 206
Elementary Boys Rank: 21 out of 56
4th Grade Boys Rank: 6 out of 22
Overall Boys Rank : 148 out of 199
Score: 149
Elementary Boys Rank: 13 out of 27
4th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 13
Overall Boys Rank : 129 out of 154
Score: 157
Elementary Boys Rank: 28 out of 35
4th Grade Boys Rank: 13 out of 18
Overall Boys Rank : 97 out of 110