Scores for this tournament have Not yet been processed And finalized. Please check back for updates.
Tournament Day Information
Kentucky Fair & Exposition Center
937 Phillips Ln
Louisville, KY 40209
Google Directions
General Information

LOCATION and REGISTRATION FEE:  Kentucky Fair & Exposition Center, Louisville, Kentucky.   A fee of $35 per registered archer will apply for this event.  Spectator admission for all will be free this year. Archers will NOT receive a state t-shirt this year.   A school must pay the registration fee for ALL archers registered at the close of registration (at 8 am ET on 2/19/25) regardless of participation.  Please bring checks/payments to the tournament and present to the registration desk before participation.  Place the school name and "Kentucky" in the memo line on all checks.

2025 KyNASP® State Tournament Registration Protocols (top 100 elementary, top 100 middle, and top 100 high.  Also, all elementary teams not in the top 100 scoring 2500+.  All middle teams not in the top 100 scoring 3000+, and all high teams not in the top 100 scoring 3100+. Individuals ranked in the top 150 by gender/division.  Only individuals in the top 150 rankings will advance whether they are part of a team or not.  

  • Registration for the state tournament will be handled through the nasptournaments.org website.  Participation is not guaranteed.  Registration is limited to first teams only.  Second teams with state qualifying scores of 2500+ Elem, 3000+ MS, and 3100+ HS in a single state qualifying event will have an opportunity to post scores on a State Virtual Tournament following the state tournament for an opportunity to register for Nationals.
  • Pre-Registration for the tournament will begin at 8am ET on January 12th, 2025.  Auto-assign will be used based on the school's ranking.  Each team must select 5 or more flight time preferences at the time of pre-registration.  Please select as many preferences as you can.  Select all you are willing to accept to ensure being placed.
  • Schools that fail to be placed during the auto-assign process, will have to select flight times on Monday, February 17th, 2025 by tiers based on what flight positions are remaining.  
  • Pre-registration ends at 8am ET on Sunday, February 16th, 2025.  The registration auto-assign will run on Sunday, February 16th, 2025 by 5pm ET.  At this time, coaches may view assigned flight times and prepare to make adjustments/changes if needed by tier starting on Monday, February 17th, 2025 according to their tier schedule.
  • Registration will open for coaches to make changes to their roster or change their auto-assigned flight times by tier rankings on Monday, February 17th, 2025 starting at 8am ET.  

Lisa Johnson


call/text 502-229-1861

text only if you can't reach the number above 502-395-1798

Flight Schedule
Date/TimeTime ZoneSite
3/14/2025 10:30:00 AMEASTERNKentucky Fair & Exposition Center
3/14/2025 11:45:00 AMEASTERNKentucky Fair & Exposition Center
3/14/2025 1:00:00 PMEASTERNKentucky Fair & Exposition Center
3/14/2025 2:30:00 PMEASTERNKentucky Fair & Exposition Center
3/14/2025 3:45:00 PMEASTERNKentucky Fair & Exposition Center
3/14/2025 5:00:00 PMEASTERNKentucky Fair & Exposition Center
3/15/2025 10:30:00 AMEASTERNKentucky Fair & Exposition Center
3/15/2025 11:45:00 AMEASTERNKentucky Fair & Exposition Center
3/15/2025 1:00:00 PMEASTERNKentucky Fair & Exposition Center
3/15/2025 2:30:00 PMEASTERNKentucky Fair & Exposition Center
3/15/2025 3:45:00 PMEASTERNKentucky Fair & Exposition Center