LOCATION: Logan Chieftain Center, 1440 State Route 328 Logan OH 43138 (https://www.loganhocking.school/o/chieftaincenter)
PARKING: Ample Bus Parking
ADMISSION: $8.00 for adults, $5.00 for students, 5 years and younger free. Tickets will be cash at the door or available online at https://app.evolvedtickets.com/public/event/2025-ohio-state-naspibo-3d-challenge-1
CONCESSIONS: Sold on site. No outside food or drink allowed to be brought inside venue
SEATING: Please no bag chairs, bleachers available for spectator seating
Coaches lounge and team gathering areas available.
REGISTRATION FEE: $25.00/archer - Registration Fee will be paid ONSITE day of tournament. Please make all checks payable to IBO.
- You are responsible to pay for all archers you have registered when registration closes.
- ONLY students in grades 4-12 and attending an Ohio NASP® School are eligible to participate in this tournament.
- Must have valid BAI number, username & password for on-line registration access.
- Changes after registration closes must be addressed on site one hour or more before your flight time.
- No T-shirts will be given for this event.
The Ohio NASP®/IBO 3D Challenge follows all National NASP®/IBO 3D Rules. They can be found at: https://www.naspschools.org/download/national-rules-3d/?wpdmdl=2391&refresh=653020cc0e07e1697652940