Entry Fee: $20.00 Per Archer
Land-Based Tournament
10 / 15 Meter Range
Spectator entrance fee: $1.00 for adults (students are free)
Participant Door Prizes: All participating archers will be eligible for more than a $1,000 in door prizes. Must participate in the tournament to win. All prizes will be drawn prior to the start of the tournament and posted at the door prize pick up area. Be sure to check it out and see if you won!
Concessions: Beverages and snacks will be available throughout the tournament, courtesy of the "PIT STOP" food truck. The PIT STOP will be serving breakfast in the morning and lunch throughout the day!
Awards: Top 3 teams in each division will receive awards. Top 5 male and female archers in each division will receive awards. Top overall male and female awarded.
All NASP rules and regulations must be followed.
Registering BAI coaches will be responsible for full, single payment of all archers on their roster after the drop date. No exceptions. Payment in full must be made before the score cards and envelopes are handed out to a team.
Awards ceremony following the last flight.