Carson Bright

Schedule and Tournament History

Score: 284
High School Boys Rank: 39 out of 378
12th Grade Boys Rank: 10 out of 67
Overall Boys Rank : 50 out of 1100
Score: 287
High School Boys Rank: 10 out of 323
12th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 50
Overall Boys Rank : 13 out of 935
Score: 290
High School Boys Rank: 5 out of 156
12th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 28
Overall Boys Rank : 9 out of 395
Score: 286
High School Boys Rank: 4 out of 129
12th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 20
Overall Boys Rank : 8 out of 350
Score: 283
High School Boys Rank: 36 out of 428
12th Grade Boys Rank: 6 out of 88
Overall Boys Rank : 45 out of 1131
Score: 284
High School Boys Rank: 12 out of 198
12th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 44
Overall Boys Rank : 16 out of 492
Score: 290
High School Boys Rank: 1 out of 59
12th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 8
Overall Boys Rank : 1 out of 152
Score: 294
High School Boys Rank: 1 out of 23
12th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 4
Overall Boys Rank : 1 out of 57
Score: 295
High School Boys Rank: 1 out of 95
12th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 19
Overall Boys Rank : 1 out of 264
Score: 291
High School Boys Rank: 1 out of 58
12th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 16
Overall Boys Rank : 1 out of 169
Score: 287
High School Boys Rank: 5 out of 126
12th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 24
Overall Boys Rank : 5 out of 357
Score: 291
High School Boys Rank: 1 out of 63
12th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 13
Overall Boys Rank : 1 out of 166
Score: 282
High School Boys Rank: 5 out of 80
12th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 14
Overall Boys Rank : 7 out of 233
Score: 291
High School Boys Rank: 2 out of 218
12th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 35
Overall Boys Rank : 2 out of 639
Score: 288
High School Boys Rank: 2 out of 52
12th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 11
Overall Boys Rank : 2 out of 149
Score: 289
High School Boys Rank: 4 out of 112
12th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 22
Overall Boys Rank : 4 out of 321
Score: 283
High School Boys Rank: 3 out of 44
12th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 9
Overall Boys Rank : 3 out of 125
Score: 291
High School Boys Rank: 1 out of 153
12th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 27
Overall Boys Rank : 1 out of 406
Score: 291
High School Boys Rank: 1 out of 63
12th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 12
Overall Boys Rank : 1 out of 189
Score: 291
High School Boys Rank: 1 out of 18
12th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 4
Overall Boys Rank : 1 out of 60
Score: 280
High School Boys Rank: 419 out of 2510
11th Grade Boys Rank: 97 out of 531
Overall Boys Rank : 570 out of 7387
Score: 289
High School Boys Rank: 27 out of 1125
11th Grade Boys Rank: 6 out of 258
Overall Boys Rank : 37 out of 3401
Score: 285
High School Boys Rank: 50 out of 403
11th Grade Boys Rank: 12 out of 98
Overall Boys Rank : 80 out of 1126
Score: 287
High School Boys Rank: 1 out of 22
11th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 3
Overall Boys Rank : 1 out of 58
Score: 285
High School Boys Rank: 6 out of 53
11th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 11
Overall Boys Rank : 6 out of 141
Score: 291
High School Boys Rank: 3 out of 371
11th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 84
Overall Boys Rank : 3 out of 1011
Score: 286
High School Boys Rank: 4 out of 183
11th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 40
Overall Boys Rank : 4 out of 453
Score: 285
High School Boys Rank: 9 out of 106
11th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 21
Overall Boys Rank : 12 out of 304
Score: 287
High School Boys Rank: 2 out of 53
11th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 14
Overall Boys Rank : 2 out of 138
Score: 291
High School Boys Rank: 1 out of 24
11th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 5
Overall Boys Rank : 1 out of 82
Score: 285
High School Boys Rank: 2 out of 43
11th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 7
Overall Boys Rank : 2 out of 215
Score: 282
High School Boys Rank: 13 out of 143
11th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 24
Overall Boys Rank : 14 out of 363
Score: 287
High School Boys Rank: 2 out of 55
11th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 12
Overall Boys Rank : 2 out of 135
Score: 285
High School Boys Rank: 5 out of 149
11th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 27
Overall Boys Rank : 5 out of 369
Score: 284
High School Boys Rank: 4 out of 27
11th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 7
Overall Boys Rank : 4 out of 89
Score: 287
High School Boys Rank: 2 out of 14
11th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 4
Overall Boys Rank : 2 out of 36
Score: 279
High School Boys Rank: 4 out of 73
11th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 17
Overall Boys Rank : 5 out of 221
Score: 287
High School Boys Rank: 2 out of 29
11th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 6
Overall Boys Rank : 2 out of 74
Score: 285
High School Boys Rank: 155 out of 2138
10th Grade Boys Rank: 29 out of 523
Overall Boys Rank : 201 out of 5951
Score: 286
High School Boys Rank: 46 out of 940
10th Grade Boys Rank: 10 out of 251
Overall Boys Rank : 60 out of 2594
Score: 280
High School Boys Rank: 70 out of 311
10th Grade Boys Rank: 15 out of 89
Overall Boys Rank : 102 out of 955
Score: 287
High School Boys Rank: 13 out of 190
10th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 56
Overall Boys Rank : 16 out of 535
Score: 281
High School Boys Rank: 46 out of 391
10th Grade Boys Rank: 9 out of 97
Overall Boys Rank : 59 out of 1006
Score: 285
High School Boys Rank: 8 out of 174
10th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 40
Overall Boys Rank : 9 out of 374
Score: 280
High School Boys Rank: 5 out of 87
10th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 25
Overall Boys Rank : 5 out of 247
Score: 281
High School Boys Rank: 2 out of 30
10th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 5
Overall Boys Rank : 2 out of 76
Score: 275
High School Boys Rank: 19 out of 162
10th Grade Boys Rank: 5 out of 48
Overall Boys Rank : 29 out of 451
Score: 277
High School Boys Rank: 9 out of 40
10th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 12
Overall Boys Rank : 11 out of 86
Score: 278
High School Boys Rank: 8 out of 55
10th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 11
Overall Boys Rank : 9 out of 143
Score: 282
High School Boys Rank: 9 out of 146
10th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 40
Overall Boys Rank : 10 out of 409
Score: 266
High School Boys Rank: 20 out of 92
10th Grade Boys Rank: 7 out of 29
Overall Boys Rank : 23 out of 230
Score: 266
High School Boys Rank: 30 out of 122
10th Grade Boys Rank: 7 out of 28
Overall Boys Rank : 40 out of 365
Score: 264
High School Boys Rank: 18 out of 48
10th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 8
Overall Boys Rank : 21 out of 129
Score: 277
High School Boys Rank: 611 out of 2860
9th Grade Boys Rank: 113 out of 784
Overall Boys Rank : 857 out of 8376
Score: 254
High School Boys Rank: 497 out of 765
9th Grade Boys Rank: 114 out of 200
Overall Boys Rank : 888 out of 2173
Score: 281
High School Boys Rank: 39 out of 323
9th Grade Boys Rank: 6 out of 97
Overall Boys Rank : 48 out of 824
Score: 263
High School Boys Rank: 7 out of 19
9th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 8
Overall Boys Rank : 9 out of 30
Score: 279
High School Boys Rank: 4 out of 48
9th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 13
Overall Boys Rank : 4 out of 81
Score: 274
High School Boys Rank: 14 out of 92
9th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 41
Overall Boys Rank : 16 out of 228
Score: 279
High School Boys Rank: 7 out of 79
9th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 34
Overall Boys Rank : 7 out of 196
Score: 277
Middle School Boys Rank: 26 out of 485
8th Grade Boys Rank: 18 out of 180
Overall Boys Rank : 119 out of 1090
Score: 283
Middle School Boys Rank: 4 out of 161
8th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 63
Overall Boys Rank : 19 out of 325
Score: 271
Middle School Boys Rank: 4 out of 17
8th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 7
Overall Boys Rank : 13 out of 43
Score: 271
Middle School Boys Rank: 2 out of 14
8th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 6
Overall Boys Rank : 12 out of 34
Score: 276
Middle School Boys Rank: 2 out of 34
8th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 9
Overall Boys Rank : 7 out of 80
Score: 287
Middle School Boys Rank: 1 out of 132
8th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 44
Overall Boys Rank : 1 out of 283
Score: 283
Middle School Boys Rank: 2 out of 62
8th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 21
Overall Boys Rank : 7 out of 118
Score: 281
Middle School Boys Rank: 6 out of 147
8th Grade Boys Rank: 6 out of 47
Overall Boys Rank : 21 out of 311
Score: 286
Middle School Boys Rank: 2 out of 178
8th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 48
Overall Boys Rank : 12 out of 405
Score: 272
Middle School Boys Rank: 5 out of 53
8th Grade Boys Rank: 4 out of 16
Overall Boys Rank : 14 out of 110
Score: 280
Middle School Boys Rank: 1 out of 62
8th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 21
Overall Boys Rank : 7 out of 153
Score: 275
Middle School Boys Rank: 3 out of 29
8th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 8
Overall Boys Rank : 8 out of 61
Score: 256
Middle School Boys Rank: 25 out of 116
8th Grade Boys Rank: 17 out of 44
Overall Boys Rank : 77 out of 249
Score: 281
Middle School Boys Rank: 3 out of 108
8th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 29
Overall Boys Rank : 14 out of 278
Score: 266
Middle School Boys Rank: 8 out of 63
8th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 16
Overall Boys Rank : 24 out of 123
Score: 287
Middle School Boys Rank: 1 out of 161
8th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 56
Overall Boys Rank : 3 out of 305
Score: 284
Middle School Boys Rank: 1 out of 23
8th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 3
Overall Boys Rank : 2 out of 75
Score: 278
Middle School Boys Rank: 2 out of 102
8th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 30
Overall Boys Rank : 11 out of 192
Score: 268
Middle School Boys Rank: 78 out of 427
7th Grade Boys Rank: 26 out of 153
Overall Boys Rank : 245 out of 1025
Score: 270
Middle School Boys Rank: 19 out of 124
7th Grade Boys Rank: 5 out of 41
Overall Boys Rank : 78 out of 293
Score: 279
Middle School Boys Rank: 4 out of 126
7th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 45
Overall Boys Rank : 18 out of 261
Score: 273
Middle School Boys Rank: 3 out of 41
7th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 13
Overall Boys Rank : 16 out of 98
Score: 265
Middle School Boys Rank: 22 out of 124
7th Grade Boys Rank: 7 out of 41
Overall Boys Rank : 58 out of 256
Score: 282
Middle School Boys Rank: 1 out of 36
7th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 11
Overall Boys Rank : 3 out of 71
Score: 275
Middle School Boys Rank: 12 out of 174
7th Grade Boys Rank: 4 out of 60
Overall Boys Rank : 38 out of 424
Score: 272
Middle School Boys Rank: 3 out of 32
7th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 8
Overall Boys Rank : 11 out of 78
Score: 282
Middle School Boys Rank: 2 out of 65
7th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 20
Overall Boys Rank : 9 out of 166
Score: 269
Middle School Boys Rank: 8 out of 53
7th Grade Boys Rank: 4 out of 19
Overall Boys Rank : 29 out of 135
Score: 277
Middle School Boys Rank: 5 out of 112
7th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 37
Overall Boys Rank : 22 out of 293
Score: 258
Middle School Boys Rank: 7 out of 54
7th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 17
Overall Boys Rank : 31 out of 114
Score: 271
Middle School Boys Rank: 9 out of 125
7th Grade Boys Rank: 6 out of 45
Overall Boys Rank : 35 out of 296
Score: 262
Middle School Boys Rank: 8 out of 66
7th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 20
Overall Boys Rank : 27 out of 142
Score: 259
Middle School Boys Rank: 18 out of 107
7th Grade Boys Rank: 8 out of 42
Overall Boys Rank : 61 out of 238
Score: 271
Middle School Boys Rank: 8 out of 49
7th Grade Boys Rank: 4 out of 15
Overall Boys Rank : 17 out of 107
Score: 266
Middle School Boys Rank: 11 out of 159
7th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 67
Overall Boys Rank : 42 out of 358
Score: 271
Middle School Boys Rank: 5 out of 70
7th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 25
Overall Boys Rank : 18 out of 149
Score: 266
Middle School Boys Rank: 3 out of 10
7th Grade Boys Rank: out of 6
Overall Boys Rank : 8 out of 24
Score: 264
Middle School Boys Rank: 9 out of 46
6th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 13
Overall Boys Rank : 22 out of 93
Score: 280
Middle School Boys Rank: 53 out of 920
6th Grade Boys Rank: 12 out of 268
Overall Boys Rank : 175 out of 2324
Score: 267
Middle School Boys Rank: 890 out of 2916
6th Grade Boys Rank: 186 out of 849
Overall Boys Rank : 2377 out of 7450
Score: 258
Middle School Boys Rank: 218 out of 360
6th Grade Boys Rank: 59 out of 125
Overall Boys Rank : 538 out of 990
Score: 265
Middle School Boys Rank: 54 out of 153
6th Grade Boys Rank: 15 out of 55
Overall Boys Rank : 153 out of 403
Score: 269
Middle School Boys Rank: 25 out of 62
6th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 16
Overall Boys Rank : 64 out of 170
Score: 269
Middle School Boys Rank: 79 out of 408
6th Grade Boys Rank: 16 out of 115
Overall Boys Rank : 212 out of 942
Score: 283
Middle School Boys Rank: 4 out of 115
6th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 32
Overall Boys Rank : 7 out of 276
Score: 285
Middle School Boys Rank: 2 out of 141
6th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 47
Overall Boys Rank : 7 out of 339
Score: 275
Middle School Boys Rank: 5 out of 50
6th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 14
Overall Boys Rank : 14 out of 123
Score: 282
Middle School Boys Rank: 5 out of 62
6th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 19
Overall Boys Rank : 11 out of 163
Score: 277
Middle School Boys Rank: 2 out of 16
6th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 6
Overall Boys Rank : 6 out of 34
Score: 270
Middle School Boys Rank: 13 out of 88
6th Grade Boys Rank: 5 out of 35
Overall Boys Rank : 37 out of 214
Score: 277
Middle School Boys Rank: 4 out of 91
6th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 32
Overall Boys Rank : 12 out of 198
Score: 279
Middle School Boys Rank: 6 out of 148
6th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 67
Overall Boys Rank : 23 out of 332
Score: 267
Middle School Boys Rank: 20 out of 114
6th Grade Boys Rank: 4 out of 46
Overall Boys Rank : 53 out of 279
Score: 266
Middle School Boys Rank: 18 out of 109
6th Grade Boys Rank: 4 out of 35
Overall Boys Rank : 48 out of 226
Score: 284
Middle School Boys Rank: 1 out of 43
6th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 15
Overall Boys Rank : 1 out of 86
Score: 268
Middle School Boys Rank: 10 out of 95
6th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 40
Overall Boys Rank : 27 out of 205
Score: 265
Middle School Boys Rank: 8 out of 80
6th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 28
Overall Boys Rank : 40 out of 212
Score: 254
Middle School Boys Rank: 8 out of 16
6th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 5
Overall Boys Rank : 16 out of 36
Score: 263
Middle School Boys Rank: 8 out of 69
6th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 24
Overall Boys Rank : 19 out of 157
Score: 271
Middle School Boys Rank: 10 out of 188
6th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 68
Overall Boys Rank : 33 out of 401
Score: 273
Middle School Boys Rank: 3 out of 105
6th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 33
Overall Boys Rank : 20 out of 218
Score: 276
Middle School Boys Rank: 11 out of 50
6th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 17
Overall Boys Rank : 32 out of 122
Score: 268
Middle School Boys Rank: 3 out of 10
6th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 5
Overall Boys Rank : 5 out of 27
Score: 272
Elementary Boys Rank: 17 out of 163
5th Grade Boys Rank: 11 out of 81
Overall Boys Rank : 170 out of 636
Score: 261
Elementary Boys Rank: 104 out of 506
5th Grade Boys Rank: 66 out of 272
Overall Boys Rank : 782 out of 1744
Score: 281
Elementary Boys Rank: 1 out of 25
5th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 11
Overall Boys Rank : 11 out of 86
Score: 282
Elementary Boys Rank: 22 out of 2319
5th Grade Boys Rank: 17 out of 1257
Overall Boys Rank : 595 out of 7730
Score: 286
Elementary Boys Rank: 3 out of 606
5th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 327
Overall Boys Rank : 62 out of 2224
Score: 282
Elementary Boys Rank: 5 out of 266
5th Grade Boys Rank: 4 out of 142
Overall Boys Rank : 118 out of 909
Score: 282
Elementary Boys Rank: 1 out of 6
5th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 3
Overall Boys Rank : 2 out of 33
Score: 276
Elementary Boys Rank: 2 out of 17
5th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 10
Overall Boys Rank : 18 out of 100
Score: 288
Elementary Boys Rank: 1 out of 41
5th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 22
Overall Boys Rank : 7 out of 202
Score: 284
Elementary Boys Rank: 1 out of 19
5th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 10
Overall Boys Rank : 5 out of 70
Score: 266
Elementary Boys Rank: 1 out of 42
5th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 23
Overall Boys Rank : 38 out of 216
Score: 280
Elementary Boys Rank: 1 out of 53
5th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 31
Overall Boys Rank : 12 out of 297
Score: 283
Elementary Boys Rank: 1 out of 182
5th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 114
Overall Boys Rank : 26 out of 814
Score: 271
Elementary Boys Rank: 1 out of 28
5th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 17
Overall Boys Rank : 22 out of 178
Score: 263
Elementary Boys Rank: 3 out of 70
5th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 36
Overall Boys Rank : 75 out of 265
Score: 265
Elementary Boys Rank: 1 out of 11
5th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 4
Overall Boys Rank : 12 out of 64
Score: 272
Elementary Boys Rank: 1 out of 62
5th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 33
Overall Boys Rank : 32 out of 296
Score: 275
Elementary Boys Rank: 1 out of 58
5th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 28
Overall Boys Rank : 26 out of 284
Score: 268
Elementary Boys Rank: 3 out of 43
5th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 26
Overall Boys Rank : 32 out of 194
Score: 254
Elementary Boys Rank: 5 out of 22
5th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 15
Overall Boys Rank : 25 out of 74
Score: 257
Elementary Boys Rank: 6 out of 70
5th Grade Boys Rank: 5 out of 43
Overall Boys Rank : 83 out of 282
Score: 266
Elementary Boys Rank: 1 out of 63
5th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 31
Overall Boys Rank : 26 out of 237
Score: 274
Elementary Boys Rank: 1 out of 19
5th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 6
Overall Boys Rank : 5 out of 59
Score: 269
Elementary Boys Rank: 3 out of 78
5th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 39
Overall Boys Rank : 44 out of 264
Score: 271
Elementary Boys Rank: 1 out of 41
5th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 20
Overall Boys Rank : 13 out of 189
Score: 263
Elementary Boys Rank: 26 out of 130
4th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 35
Overall Boys Rank : 252 out of 571
Score: 271
Elementary Boys Rank: 57 out of 644
4th Grade Boys Rank: 9 out of 205
Overall Boys Rank : 571 out of 2135
Score: 262
Elementary Boys Rank: 9 out of 29
4th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 8
Overall Boys Rank : 60 out of 120
Score: 235
Elementary Boys Rank: 15 out of 70
4th Grade Boys Rank: 3 out of 32
Overall Boys Rank : 145 out of 254
Score: 237
Elementary Boys Rank: 66 out of 213
4th Grade Boys Rank: 21 out of 89
Overall Boys Rank : 515 out of 727
Score: 268
Elementary Boys Rank: 3 out of 66
4th Grade Boys Rank: 2 out of 26
Overall Boys Rank : 49 out of 271
Score: 247
Elementary Boys Rank: 14 out of 72
4th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 24
Overall Boys Rank : 127 out of 291
Score: 261
Elementary Boys Rank: 3 out of 55
4th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 17
Overall Boys Rank : 59 out of 258
Score: 261
Elementary Boys Rank: 2 out of 44
4th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 23
Overall Boys Rank : 33 out of 210
Score: 261
Elementary Boys Rank: 5 out of 52
4th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 19
Overall Boys Rank : 54 out of 238
Score: 261
Elementary Boys Rank: 2 out of 45
4th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 18
Overall Boys Rank : 57 out of 224
Score: 250
Elementary Boys Rank: 7 out of 111
4th Grade Boys Rank: 1 out of 43
Overall Boys Rank : 120 out of 429